We are the
HER Collective.

Black women dedicated to fostering Honest + Empowered Relationships.

The HER Collective  is a membership-based collective of professional Black women in Richmond, Virginia. We are committed to fostering meaningful relationships between women and within our community.

In a world where women are often pushed to compete, HER focuses on creating nurturing relationships built on honesty and respect.

Established in 2018

The HER Collective was established to create space for Black women to connect with like-minded women. Our commitment revolves around fostering mutual support through positive engagement, community service, and personal/professional advancement.

In addition to member-based commitments, our goal is to create more space and opportunities for our community through events, programs, and social media engagement.

Our Values


support •  sisterhood • engagement  •  accountability

To counteract harmful stereotypes about Black women, we strive to generate occasions for mutual elevation through constructive interactions and meaningful engagement.


volunteerism •  philanthropy • activism •  mentorship

As citizens of the world, it's both our responsibility and obligation to collaboratively enhance our communities. Our commitment lies in expanding access to information and creating avenues for growth and advancement.


team building • workshops • networking • partnerships

Through networking, workshops, and programs, our goal is to empower members with the skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of the world as a Black woman.


More than 100 women joined us on November 18 at the Robinson Theater Community Arts Center for a delightful brunch to honor five incredible women for their achievements, resilience, and strength.

Our 2023 theme, "Take Off Your Cape," served as an invitation to let go of societal expectations and embrace the power within us all. It was our goal to challenge the notion that heroism is limited to extraordinary acts and perfect portrayals. We celebrated the everyday heroines who make a difference in their communities, families, and personal journeys.

Stay Connected

If you've been looking for a group like us, we’d love to meet you!  Please visit our FAQs to learn more about the collective and stay connected with us via our social media channels where we share updates, events and programs.